
Update (May 11 – 2:13PM EST): We got the approval from Facebook. It appears to have already worked for several users. Please let us know if you’re still having trouble!

So, we’ve managed to track down what’s been going on with the Facebook integration. Facebook requires an internal review of

any apps that request special permissions. We submitted the Open Graph fitness.course action for review and we were approved quite some time ago, but it seems with the new API we need to also submit the “publish post” action for review as well. What that means is filling out a form and wait 5-10 business days and hoping for the best. So that’s…a little disappointing.

In our QA environment we don’t need approval for these actions, nor do we need approval for any admin accounts in Production. So everything always worked just fine for us. But for everyone else the Authorize to Publish function just opens a window and hangs there, because Facebook hasn’t approved us yet. So it was pretty much a worst case testing scenario.

On the upside, in our zeal to get to the bottom of it, we’ve released 3 separate patches in the last 5 days to fix every other esoteric Facebook flow problems we could find.

Apologies for screwing this one up,

Chris, Jacklyn, and Steve

Interactive pace chart

We’re continuing to work our way through all the charts on Smashrun, making them interactive one by one. This weekend, we’re updating the pace chart on the bottom of the By Run page. It’s been a staple since Smashrun began, but it’s always been, let’s face it, kind of underwhelming. It’s a bar graph with pace, no more no less. We discussed ripping it out and starting fresh, adding some textures, and shadows, maybe a cute little bubble tooltip and a couple of gradients here and there.

Then we sobered up the next morning, and came to our senses. We realized that old run chart is a classic. It’s a pair of tried and true NB 574’s. Understated, free of pretense. It says how fast when. No animated bubble tooltip required. But we thought, what if we took that old classic and dropped a brand new engine in it?

Say hello to your new run chart. It’s just like the old run chart. But behold! It does stuff.

Scrubbing Pace Chart

Mouse over your run graph, click and drag to select an area of your run. You’ll immediately see the average pace for the selected area. You can drag your selection, expand or reduce it, and see how your pace changed over various splits. The nice thing is that you can see any split you want. You can, for example, compare each 10k split of a marathon, or the pace of each effort and recovery over a set of intervals.

This new functionality is available for all users Pro and Free alike, but we cooked up something extra if you’re a Smashrun Pro user. We’ve added an elevation gain/loss chart just below the run chart. You can use this to find the elevation gain of individual climbs and descents, and compare your pace and average heart rate.

Elevation Gain/Loss Graph

And when you double click any section it’ll open up in the pro map for further analysis.

Interactive Pace Chart Pro

We also took this opportunity to earn a few more grey hairs by doing some serious data reconciliation. We coded the run graph in one programming language, and the pro run map in another, so we could reconcile between them. With pauses, floating points rounding issues, and intermittent data this was no small feat. To make this all happen, we’ve also started interpolating meaningful trackpoints (if your watch records a point at 1.96km and at 2.07km, we estimate your pace/HR/cadence at 2.0km). We’ve added some minor GPS error correction, and we’ve revised our elevation calculations to use more sophisticated resampling and error correction techniques.

This was all, of course, a total, utter, and complete nightmare. And there’s no doubt that with millions of runs now in the system, you’re going to run into at least a few issues. Let us know what you find and we’ll sort it out.

Also there’s a terrifying new color picker by Megan Zombie.

PS: Some runs imported on Sunday will have incorrect calories. We’re working on correcting these. But any new runs imported starting Monday should be okay!

iSmoothRun integration

iSmoothRun is one of our favorite running apps for the iPhone. It’s also one of those rare fitness companies that we feel has its priorities right.

They’re not trying to take over the world – to monetize your running tracks, slurp up your health data, or become the Facebook of fitness. It’s just a great app for runners that makes it easy to send your data to any site you want. It’s also, as of today, directly integrated with Smashrun.

What that means is the data quality is going to be really tight and there’s no more worrying about syncing or emailing your runs. It should just work. It’s also 50% off right now and I can think of a lot of worse ways to spend $2.99 $5.99.

iSmoothrun to Smasrhun

Special thanks goes out to Neil and the other beta testers who really went the extra mile helping us work out the kinks in the interface.

If you run into any problems or notice anything that’s less than perfect just shoot an email to us at hi@smashrun or to iSmoothrun and we’ll work to get it sorted out.

Garmin is back! New features!

It was a tough 48-hour period, but the Garmin Connect importer is now fixed. As many of you know, Garmin’s been busy rolling out a lot of changes to their site over the past few weeks. We’ve adapted our code and everything should now be 100%. If you’re still having trouble, shoot us an email and we’ll investigate.

Naturally, we were caught in between working on some existing features and rolling out new ones, while patching the importer. So, we had to wrap things up. And voila! New features.

Our very hilly stomping ground for SmashrunHQ.

New Maps: Trails and Satellite View

We’ve added a new trail focused map that includes enhanced elevation and terrain data. If you run a lot of hills or trails this is going to be your new “go to” map.

Our middle-of-nowhere run in Andalucia.

In addition, we added the Satellite map. It was silly not to have it on Smashrun before, especially, considering how useful it is for orienting yourself before and after a run. Besides, it makes the Smashrun Pro map look even better!

You’ll get a guider the next time you click on your route, explaining how it works. Basically, when you open up a route, you can mouse over the globe icon on the top right of your route map to switch styles.

The next step will be unlockable map styles. Maybe even a treasure map, maybe even with hidden badge locations. Maybe.

Interactive Charts and Graphs for Ranks

We are currently in the process of making every single chart on Smashrun interactive. Most of the charts will look pretty much the same, but we’ll be adding additional layers of detail.

We started with the Ranks section, so now you’ll be able to gain some useful insights just by mousing over them…

Ranks Ranksaster

We’ll be working through these interactive charts bit by bit, while all the while doing our best to stay on track with the other features we’re getting ready for Spring. And who knows, it’s even possible that the mythical shoe tracker might make an appearance…of course first we’ll have to dust off our notes from early 2014.

Update (Feb. 15 – 2:36PM GMT+1): It looks like the new Garmin API no longer buckets all run activity types under “Running”. Instead, they’re all getting passed as the specific run activity type. If you get “no new runs found” when trying to sync, it’s because you have a run categorized as Treadmill/ Track/ Trail/ Street Running. You can either change the activity type to just “Running” and they should all import. Or, if you can hold off a bit longer while we prepare the patch, we’ll fix it so that you can import your runs as is!

Update (Feb. 15 – 9:38PM GMT+1): All fixed! Everyone should now be able to import their runs without any problems.

Garmin importer currently down

There is currently a problem with the Garmin importer and we are looking into it. For any users who sync their runs via Garmin Connect, please hold off from clicking ‘sync’ until we’re able to diagnose and patch the issue. We’ll keep everyone up-to-date as we learn more.

In the meantime, you can still export your GPX/TCX file from Garmin Connect and import it to Smashrun either manually or via email.

New Tutorials

With so many new faces around here, thanks to our December buy pro/give pro promotion, we thought it’d be helpful to create a couple of quick tutorials to get everyone acquainted with their new pro accounts.

Training Bands – learn how to highlight different training bands in different periods and understand what they mean contextually.

Pro Map (a refresher from the Smashrun Pro page) – a quick summary of the features within the pro map including fastest segments, splits, SPI, change in pace over distance, and map filters.

Progress Towards Goal – how to use Progress Towards Goal to stay on track and help manage your training schedule.

Pace Trends – an overview of how we generate Pace Trends based on SPI and how to use it.

You can access the tutorials on the top right of the Analyze section (shown below).

Tutorials Button

Small patch

We did a release this weekend to fix a couple of issues.

  • Runkeeper GPX files should import correctly now
  • You should once again be able to resize your mobile browser viewport
  • The terrible infinite reload bug that some poor souls were plagued by should be resolved

In addition we’ve now run virtually every last string on Smashrun through translation, and they’re up all up on our translation server. If you want to help get Smashrun sorted out in your language we could sure use the help.

The change should be transparent to English language users, but since it affects every single aspect of the site there’s no 100% guarantee we didn’t break something in the process. If you see something strange please email us at hi@smashrun.com, and we’ll investigate.

New notables

We added a few new notables with the release this morning. These are mostly just to support badges we have planned for the future, but are kind of interesting in and of themselves.

New notables for all users

Before sunrise – started and finish your run before the sun comes up

During sunrise – started your run before sunrise and finish after

After sunset – started your run after the sun has set.

During sunset – start your run before sunset and finish after

Full moon run – ran during or after sunset when the moon was full

Winter solstice – ran on the Winter solstice

Summer solstice – ran on the Summer solstice

New notables for Pro users only

Warmest run in [1m/3m/6m/1y/ever]

Coldest run in [1m/3m/6m/1y/ever]

Other Pro Notables: Fast Start, Fast Finish, Highest elevation, Greatest hill difficulty, Most elevation gained/lost, Highest/lowest speed variability, Best performance, Highest max cadence, Highest average cadence, Most negative splits.

Progress Towards Goal

Setting a goal has always been the first step towards better training, but tracking your progress towards it provides the guidepost that will lead you through your toughest training days.

The challenge with goal setting is that even the most conservative training plan can fall through, but knowing how far you have to run to stay on track means you’re more likely to reach your goal(s). Even more importantly, knowing how much distance you can run per week to catch up by any future date makes it much easier for you to adapt. This is why we built Progress Towards Goal.

This feature helps you answer the questions:

  • “How much do I have to run every week to be on target with my 2014 goal?”
  • “How much do I have to run per day this month to be on track by November 30th?”
  • “How do I stay on target even when I take a couple of rest days?”

To view Progress Towards Goal, Smashrun Pro users can now mouse over the bar graph of a current month or year-long goal and click on ‘Show Progress’.

Show Progress

This will take you to the Goals section, which you can also access by clicking on Analyze from Overview.

Progress Towards Goals

Your list of current goals will show up on the top left with your past goals underneath it, and you can view all of your historical goals with its corresponding details.

The yellow line graph indicates your current progress, whereas the grey line graph shows the most direct path to your goal.

The x-axis shows the days you ran. The color gradient indicates how far you ran – the darker it is, the shorter the total distance you ran that day relative to other runs for that month. The brighter it is, the longer the total distance for that day. You can mouse over the individual runs to see how much distance you covered that day and clicking on it will take you to the corresponding By Run page.

Mouse-over x-axis

When you mouse over the line graphs, you’ll see how far ahead or behind you are from the most direct path to your goal, as of that date. So think of the grey line as your guidepost. You can be above or below that line at any point in time, but staying close to it means you’re more likely to reach your goal.

If you’re behind, you can mouse over any date in the future to see how much distance you have to run per week/per day to get back on track by that date.

Catch up by today Catch up by tomorrowProgress towards goal on track

Naturally, you’re not expected to run everyday. The great thing about Progress Towards Goal is that it will automatically recalculate your different paths to help you reach your goal, regardless of how many miles or how many days you run each week.

So rest when you need to, run when you can. Progress Towards Goal can always tell you what you need to know to stay on track, so you don’t have to do the math in your head.

With the holidays approaching we’re all going to need all the help we can get sticking to our goals. Hopefully this and the other Smashrun Pro features will help keep you on track.


We just did a release tonight with a couple dozen bug fixes and a few UI improvements.

For example, you can now navigate back and forth between the Run Overview and By Run page by using the calendar. When you click a month or a year from the By Run page, it’ll take you back to the Overview for that month or year. There’s also about a dozen improvements to the run import routines, and some minor UI improvements like being able to close dialogs by pressing the escape key.

Meanwhile there’s 2 big projects underway at Smashrun HQ.

The first and foremost is the Smashrun API. This has been a huge development effort, but is finally nearing completion (likely in the next few weeks). In the long run, this is going to make it easier for you to get your data in and out of Smashrun. And, eventually, it’s going make it easier to embed, share, and make use of your running data wherever and however you want.

The second project is the translations of the site into any language that we can find people willing to help us translate. This has been a massive job but, thanks to the generous efforts of some multi-lingual runners, Smashrun is starting to look pretty international. With tonight’s release, we just pushed all of the latest translated copy, so please let us know if you notice any problems and we’ll make sure they get sorted out.

Once the decks clear, there’s so much cool stuff in the works. Shoe tracker (finally), progress towards goal, dynamic run list, and of course more badges!