We’re moving to the updated Garmin API.
If you currently import from Garmin take a second right now and go to your Settings Sync Page and connect your account to the new Garmin API.

This new Garmin API is replacing our existing API connection starting today, so please make sure you connect.
Once you’re connected your next run will automatically sync to Smashrun as soon as it arrives on Garmin Connect. That means no more need to click the sync button. (If you’re a Pro user once you move to the new API everything should be the same as it was.)
For the moment historical synchronization from the Garmin API will be disabled. If you’re an existing user, this shouldn’t make a difference at all. If you’re a new user then check back next week after we work out all the bugs with historical import (or use a 3rd party site like Fitness Syncer).
UPDATE 4/8/21
We had a deadline from Garmin to switch to this new API, so unfortunately these changes had to go live for everyone before we had done the usual beta testing. We’re continuously releasing patches, so please report any issues you spot and we’ll keep knocking away at them.
Should we disconnect the previous “Auto-Sync” API if now connected to the new “Autosync” API?
Hopefully, you shouldn’t need to. Once we’re sure runs are coming through as they’re supposed to we’ll disconnect your account from the old API and remove it.
Hey! I know this dude!
Hi, there’s two different AutoSync options in the settings. Which one should I use?
The second one has the added text: “This connection is used by Garmin to push runs to Smashrun immediately after you upload them from your watch.”
So I presume is this one. But would be nice to clarify, or “deprecate” the old one clearly in the settings.
That was definitely confusing. You should only see the one now.
Thanks a lot for this change. I implemented it but my last run, does not show (among others) neither the route, nor the elevation profile (gained and lost) and the pace variability.
I do highly appreciate your work.
Unfortunately this seems to be happening for some users. We’re working to get this resolved, and will repair the badly imported runs retroactively.
I’m seeing the same issue as reported above, but also seems to be missing importing weather as well.
same situation
It seems to be working fine for. I was on the older auto-sync api. Set-up the new version. My latest two runs synced fine. The source now says GarminHealth, so I assume that is the new api.
Hi, my last run is showing twice. Much as I would love to have been able to do 2, 20 mile runs today alas it was only the one! Have I done something wrong?
Hi, there are no pace/heart data imported via the new API.
Thanks for your work,
all seems to be ok now – only happened the once and I’ve reluctantly deleted my 2nd 20 miler!!
That was seamless! I’m just seeing this blog post today, but don’t recall any issues syncing my runs since last week. This is why I love Smashrun! Thanks guys, you’re doing such a great job at this, wish all software/online services ran this smoothly!!
Thanks for the update. I just saw the blog and synced. All is well. Thank you Smashrun!
My Garmin imports have absurd elevations, now. Running the bad elevation feature on the run fixes it, but every import is way off.
Love Smashrun, the guys who took me from an excel sheet to whatever< Shut up Donny
I have the same issue as reported above – no route, pace or HR data to see.
Appreciate all the work you guys are doing.
I’m back running from my surgery now. My data was syncing with Garmin connect until 3 days ago, now, no runs detected. I tried to connect again as directed in this blog, but the page keeps going back to the connect green button.
I haven’t ben able to identify the cause of your sync issues yet. Can you confirm that your runs are on Garmin Connect as of May 9th, and that they’re classified as running activities? Thanks!
I’ve been trying for a month now but just can download any runs. It says my account is successfully connected but when I try to sync it just says ‘Problem contacting Garmin’
Once you’re connected new runs should be pushing through automatically. For older missing runs we’re in a tight spot. Last week Garmin instituted a policy that historical runs can be synced only 1 time per user. That’s what causing the error you’re seeing. We still need to update Smashrun to track that error and display a notification about Garmin’s new policy. Currently we just show “problem contacting Garmin”.
So, far once you’re connected the only time’s were not seeing new runs come through is when they’re from any source besides a Garmin watch. ie Zwitft, Strava, FitnessSyncer, etc…
If your new runs from your Garmin watch aren’t being pushed to Smashrun then shoot us an email to hi@smashrun.com and we’ll raise a ticket with Garmin.
Should we do a manual import of the missing runs, if you are unable to pull historical missing runs for the month?
Hi, my runs that are 6+ months old are syncing (or perhaps we’re already saved) and so are my most recent runs. I’m missing about 6 months in the middle though. Any thoughts?
Try adjusting the minimum import date and syncing again. There’s 3 compounding problems:
That said, the real time API seems to be working just fine. Once you’ve managed to get your history imported, then you should be ok going forward.
As a last resort you could in theory export the original source files one by one from Garmin for the missing period then add them all to a zip file and upload them all at once to Smashrun via the zip.