A few updates

Polar Integration

The Polar historical data importer broke last month. We need to make some sizable changes on our side to remedy the issue and it’s taking longer than anticipated. That said, if you only need to import new runs you can still connect to Polar (autosync) from your Settings Sync Page. This connection will automatically push your new runs directly to Smashrun shortly after they’re available on Polar Flow. While this won’t solve everyone’s use case, for many of you this should be a convenient and easy to implement option.

Strava Integration

We’ve made some adjustments to the import to capture race and treadmill flags and tag the runs as appropriate. We’ve also changed to combine the Strava activity title and description in the Smashrun description field. We heard from some user’s who made a case for this, but if it’s not working out for you just reach out with your ideas, and maybe we can find a better way to do it.

Coros Integration

We identified a bug that was affecting some users which prevented runs from flowing through automatically. This was patched this morning and should put the issue to bed.

Holiday sale

You still have a few days to take advantage of the Smashrun BOGO holiday sale. You can pickup a matching subscription for any new Smashrun Pro user by signing up for Pro or even by renewing early.

A baby girl

After working on Smashrun together for almost a decade, Jacklyn and I had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago. If we’ve both been a bit slow responding to emails lately, I know that you will understand. Thanks so much for your support over the years that’s allowed us to keep our dreams alive.


Cody Bennett

Congrats on the baby girl! Been a supporter of SmashRun for a while now and appreciate all the care and attention you give this; take a well deserved break!

Dubravko Dolic

Chris and Jacklyn, warm congrats on having a family. That is so great. Stay healthy and all the best to you and your kid.

John Cooper

I see you now have the Strava description update. Did you used to have the description lifted from Garmin Connect or do I misremember? If not can you consider adding it, or is it a limitation of the Garmin API? If not possible then it would help if you could get the description from Strava even if the run originated in GC, was synced to Smashrun and was synced from GC to Strava later

Kevin Stock

Congratulations and Happy New Year!

Thank you for all the efforts you’ve all put into making Smashrun amazing!

Peter D

Congrats on the new runner in your family! Actually, if she is anything like my daughter was at that age (many years ago) she’ll keep you running around plenty without even putting on your trainers! Time for a new badge? 😉

Ben Tuff

Superb news – congrats! It’s the best thing, I promise…once the sleepless nights disappear. Hope you have the running buggy sort!

Laurence Rooks

Congratulations on the new baby girl! May God bless you both with more to come if that is the desire of your hearts.


Heartfelt congratulations! You now have a new dream, the best kind you can have, I’m very happy for you. Make the most of every moment, this time will pass so quickly!
BTW A massive thanks for Smashrun too!


Okay, I’m a bit late, but I didn’t use the pc version since months – so I’ve just read this amazing news now. Congratulations and a happy new life! 🙂

Peter Wagner

I am extremely late … nevertheless ALL THE BEST WISHES for your new life together!!! Have happy future years!!! Greetings from Austria, Peter

Peter Wagner

I am extremely late … anyway best wishes to you three and all the luck for a happy future together. Greetings from Austria, Peter


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