Changes to HR Zones

We’ve changed some of Smashrun’s heart rate zones. We renamed a few of them, added a zone, and tweaked the colors to better align with typical HRR usage.

The old zones looked like this:

RecoveryAerobic Anaerobic Max Red Line
< 70% 70% – 80%90% – 90%90 – 97%> 97%

The new ones:

RecoveryEnduranceModerateThreshodAnaerobicRed Line
< 60%60% – 70%70% – 80%80% – 90%90% – 95%> 95%

We’ve introduced a new shade of orange in the middle zones, and the overall colors are a bit more vibrant. The screenshots below compare the same run before and after the change. It’s a subtle change, the most salient aspect of it being that > 60% HRR looks now a bit more like it feels…not quite a green “recovery” run, but rather something more, a yellowy, not really working hard, but definitely not slouching it either kind of exertion.

The other aspect, dropping the red line threshold from 97% to 95% makes that band a bit more useful. No one really exceeds a 97% HRR unless they’re running a staircase race on a hot day, but 95% you can often surpass here and there with just some really painful intervals.

The ideal, of course, would is the ability to set your own zones. That’s not possible yet, but at least this change should align more with the most common HRR zones and provide a bit more resolution.

Also remember, if you feel like your HR zones are always at the low end make sure that your max and resting heart rate zones are set appropriately. You can set both those values on your Settings > Profile page under the category “User Information”.


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